Recherche appliquée

Notre mission

Conformément à la vision et à la mission de Glion Institut de Hautes Études, notre stratégie de recherche se concentre sur l’excellence de la recherche grâce à une approche pratique axée sur les problèmes. Nous nous engageons à renforcer et à développer les capacités de recherche de notre institution, à étendre notre réseau de recherche afin de collaborer avec les industries ainsi que les communautés académiques et non académiques en général, et à nous assurer que notre recherche a un impact évident au sein des industries et des communautés. En menant à bien cette mission, nous visons à faire de Glion Institut de Hautes Études un leader en matière d’excellence de la recherche, en favorisant une culture de l’innovation et de la durabilité, tout en ayant un impact positif et durable sur les industries, les communautés et la société en général.

Pourquoi valoriser la recherche appliquée ?
En reconnaissant le rôle important de la recherche dans le développement intellectuel du corps enseignant et des étudiants, Glion concentre ses efforts sur la priorisation et le rétablissement d’un programme de recherche efficace. En intégrant la recherche dans notre culture, nous souhaitons créer un environnement dynamique et intellectuellement stimulant, propice à la créativité, à la pensée critique et à la production de connaissances. En valorisant la recherche, nous permettons non seulement à nos enseignants d’enrichir leurs travaux, mais aussi à nos étudiants de participer à des projets de recherche appliquée innovants et pertinents pour l’industrie, ce qui renforce leur employabilité.


Dimensions de la recherche à Glion

Les activités de recherche à Glion comportent cinq dimensions:

Recherche universitaire et collaboration académique
Recherche étudiante
Collaboration entre les enseignants et les étudiants dans le domaine de la recherche
Recherche en partenariat avec l’industrie
Recherche en matière d’enseignement et de développement du corps enseignant



Domaines de recherche à Glion:

Hôtellerie, tourisme et services connexes
Management de marques de luxe
Développement hôtelier et finance
Hôtellerie, entrepreneuriat et innovation
Développement et enseignement hôtelier


Pourquoi la recherche appliquée est-elle importante pour Glion ?




  1. Amélioration de la réputation et de la visibilité : en participant à des activités de recherche, Glion améliore sa réputation en tant qu’institution de premier plan dans le domaine de l’enseignement hôtelier et met en évidence son engagement en faveur de l’excellence académique et de l’innovation.
  2. Développement du corps enseignant et gestion des talents : les opportunités de recherche permettent aux membres du corps enseignant de s’améliorer. En participant à des activités de recherche, ils peuvent accroître leur expertise, contribuer à leur domaine d’activité et se tenir au courant des dernières innovations. Cela contribue au dynamisme de la communauté universitaire et favorise la rétention des talents.
  3. Renforcement de l’employabilité des diplômés : les compétences en matière de recherche sont très prisées des employeurs dans de nombreux secteurs d’activité. Les diplômés ayant participé à des activités de recherche font preuve d’esprit critique, savent résoudre des problèmes et possèdent des compétences analytiques, ce qui les rend plus compétitifs et plus employables sur le marché du travail.
  4. Partenariats avec l’industrie : la création d’une culture et d’une expertise solides en matière de recherche favorise la collaboration avec les partenaires de l’industrie. Les projets et initiatives liés à la recherche offrent des opportunités d’engagement significatif avec les entreprises, menant à de précieux partenariats, à un échange de connaissances et à des découvertes pertinentes pour l’industrie.
  5. Collaboration, réseau et inclusion : les activités de recherche favorisent la collaboration, tant au sein de notre institution qu’avec des acteurs extérieurs. Les projets de recherche collaborative développent l’esprit de communauté, encouragent les approches interdisciplinaires et favorisent l’inclusion grâce à la diversité des points de vue et des expertises qu’ils mettent à contribution.
  6. Accréditation : la recherche joue un rôle crucial dans l’obtention et la conservation d’une accréditation. Les organismes d’accréditation exigent souvent des établissements qu’ils témoignent d’une importante culture de la recherche et d’un engagement à faire progresser les connaissances dans leurs domaines respectifs.

Gouvernance de la recherche

Glion Institut de Hautes Études accorde une grande importance au maintien de normes élevées en matière d’assurance qualité et de gouvernance dans le cadre de nos activités de recherche. Nous sommes convaincus qu’une supervision efficace et le respect de directives éthiques sont essentiels pour garantir la crédibilité et l’intégrité de nos travaux de recherche. Le comité consultatif pour la recherche (qui sera mis en place en automne 2023) est constitué d’experts et d’universitaires éminents qui disposent de nombreuses connaissances et d’une grande expérience dans différents domaines. Leur expertise collective nous apporte de précieuses informations et des conseils stratégiques avisés, nous permettant ainsi d’orienter nos initiatives de recherche. Le conseil joue un rôle essentiel dans la valorisation de l’excellence de la recherche, en favorisant la collaboration interdisciplinaire et en veillant à ce que les résultats obtenus aient un impact significatif sur les industries et les communautés.


Notre faculté



2020-2023 Publications and Conferences


Adams, D. (2023, February 2). Six opportunities for global hotel development. HospitalityNet. 

Cattaneo, E. (2023). Luxury throughout history. In S. Studente, & E. Cattaneo (Eds.). Contemporary issues in luxury brand management (pp. 1-15). Routledge. 

Czyzewska, B. (2023, April). [speaker]. The Luxury Hospitality Symposium Paris 2023.  

Mark, J. B. (2023, January 31). Luxury 2032: A glimpse into the future for the world’s dream factory. HospitalityNet. 

Giusti, N., & Tini, T. (2023). Advances in digital: new opportunities for luxury retail. In E. Cattaneo (Ed.). Managing luxury brands: A complete guide to contemporary luxury brand strategies (pp. 145-171). Kogan Page. 

Cattaneo, E., Sun, Y., & Wang, R. (2022, July 5-7). Can luxury grow on plants?: Leather alternative and intention towards luxury products among gen Z [paper presentation]. UK Academy of Marketing 2022 Annual Conference and Doctoral Colloquium: Marketing: The Fabric of Life. 

Czyzewska, B. (2022, November 1). Five luxury marketing trends that should be on your radar. HospitalityNet. 

Czyzewska, B. (2022). Delivering luxury experiences in the post COVID-19 reality. In A. S. Kotur, & S. Dixit (Eds.). The Emerald handbook of luxury management for hospitality and tourism (pp. 497-511). Emerald Publ. 

HoCoSo. (2022, December 16). Mental wellness, creativity and the future of wellness in hospitality – Mariana Palmeiro. YouTube. 

Palmeiro, M. (2022, November 1). Six hospitality industry trends for 2023 and beyond. HospitalityNet. 

HoCoSo. (2022, December 16). Mental wellness, creativity and the future of wellness in hospitality – Mariana Palmeiro. YouTube. 

Palmeiro, M. (2022, December 7). Six hospitality industry trends for 2023 and beyond. Institute of Hospitality. 

Palmeiro, M. (2022, October 14). Six hospitality industry trends for 2023 and beyond. The Times of India. 

Palmeiro, M. (2022, December 6). Six hospitality industry trends for 2023 and beyond. Hotel Owner. 

Palmeiro, M. (2022, December 14). 4 hospitality tech trends for 2023 and beyond. Hospitality Technology. 

Czyzweska, B. (2021, July 27). The guest is always right. Hotel Management International. 

Giusti, N., & Tini, T. (2021, June 30). Le nuove opportunità per il lusso “Made in Italy” [Webinar]. LinkedIn. 

Humphries, J. (2021, November 3). A time for heroes: why now is the moment for hospitality asset managers to step into the spotlight. HospitalityNet. 

Palmeiro, M. (2021, July 25). The inner game: Hotels and the post-pandemic wellness opportunity. Hotel Executive. 

Giusti, N., & Tini, T. (2021, June 30). Le nuove opportunità per il lusso “Made in Italy” [Webinar]. LinkedIn. 

Czyzewska, B. (2020). The story of Hilton hotels: ‘Little Americas’. Goodfellow Publ. 

Czyzewska, B. (2020, April 20). What can we expect from the luxury market after COVID-19? HospitalityNet. 

Derderian, M.-F. (2020, April 22). What is the impact of COVID-19 on entrepreneurship? HospitalityNet. 

Jones, M. B. (2020, June 22). The leadership DNA. BW Education. 

Jones, M. B. (2020, May 26). The leadership DNA within hospitality. Hotel Speak. 

Jurczenko, E. (2020, April 20). What is the impact of COVID-19 on global economy? HospitalityNet. 

Nahaboo, R. (2020, April 15). The impacts of COVID-19 on the global wine industry. HospitalityNet.


Derderien, M.-F., & Martinet, V. (2019, March 20). Glion: Tout savoir sur le Master en hôtellerie, entreprenariat et innovation. YouTube. 

Jurczenko, E., Teiletche, J. (2019). Expected shortfall asset allocation: A multi-dimensional risk-budgeting framework. The Journal of Alternative Investments, 22(2). DOI:10.3905/jai.2019.1.078 

Derderien, M.-F., & Martinet, V. (2019, March 20). Glion: Tout savoir sur le Master en hôtellerie, entreprenariat et innovation. YouTube. 

Palmeiro, M. (2019). Getting technical: [Technology in wellness]. Spa Business, 2019(1), 82-83. 

Permatasari, N., & Lazarev Zivanovic, M. (2018). Generation Y’s behavior towards hotels’ sustainable practices: A study in Jakarta, Indonesia. In V. Marinov, M. Vodenska, M. Assenova, & E. Dogramadjieva (Eds.). Traditions and innovations in contemporary tourism (pp. 130-145). Cambridge Scholars Publ. 

Newnham, D. S. (2018). The inner circle: Building bridges or boundaries between researchers and practitioners. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 25(2), 138-150. 

Palmeiro, M. (2018, April 23). Waking up to wellness: How smart hoteliers are building a healthier future. Sommet Education. 

Palmeiro, M. (2018, May 4). Waking up to wellness: How smart hoteliers are building a healthier future. HospitalityNet. 

Horrigan, D., & Murphy, J. (2017). Segmenting pleasure-seeking tourists: A research agenda. In C. L. Campbell (Ed.). The customer is NOT always right? Marketing orientations in a dynamics business world (pp. 886-889). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-50008-9_247 

Newnham, D. S. (2017). The organization of people in distress: Unprogrammed, unintended and unstructured consequences for refugee women. Learning Culture and Social Interaction, 12, 100-112. 

Newnham, D. S. (2017). Facilitating the “Elite” in innovation acquisition: An overrated concept or, a necessity? The Journal of Quality in Education, 7(10). DOI: 10.37870/joqie.v7i10.149 

Da Silva, C., & Kuokkanen, H. (2016, October 26-28). The tablet wine experience: A exploration of restaurant wine presentation techniques [paper presentation]. What’s going well in hospitality, tourism and events? – EuroCHRIE 2016 Conference. 

Kammer, C., & Rios-Morales, R. (2016). Wine labels: the impact of a module in wine knowledge. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 8(1), 39-50. * 

Kuokkanen, H. (2016). Behavioural pricing opportunities in tourism destinations: A collaborative approach. International Journal of Revenue Management, 9(2/3), 186-200. DOI: 10.1504/IJRM.2016.077020 

Kuokkanen, H., & Sun, W. (2016). Social desirability and cynicism: Bridging the attitude-behaviour gap in CSR surveys. In N. M. Ashkanasa, W. J. Zerbe, & C. E. J. Härtel (Eds.). Research on emotion in organizations (vol. 12, pp. 217-247). Emerald. 

Da Silva, C., & Kuokkanen, H. (2016, October 26-28). The tablet wine experience: A exploration of restaurant wine presentation techniques [paper presentation]. What’s going well in hospitality, tourism and events? – EuroCHRIE 2016 Conference. 

Lazarev Zivanovic, M. (2016). Culture and heritage tourism: Destination competitiveness and regional clusters review. Horizons International Scientific Journal Series A, 20, 69-77. DOI 10.20544/HORIZONS.A.20.1.17.P05 

Lazarev Zivanovic, M. (2016, October 6-7). Culture and heritage tourism: Destination competitiveness and regional clusters review [paper presentation]. XII International Scientific Conference on Service Sector INSCOSES 2016. 

Novitskaya, O. A., & Brewster, C. (2016). The impact of national context effects on HRM practices in Russian subsidiaries of Western MNCs. Journal of East-West Business, 22(1), 1-27. 

Kammer, C., & Rios-Morales, R. (2016). Wine labels: the impact of a module in wine knowledge. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 8(1), 39-50. * 

de Leva, G., Zucco, C., & Lazarev Zivanovic, M. (2015, April 27-20)). Hospitality enterprises and destination tourism competitiveness: The case of Naples [paper presentation]. 2nd Corfu Symposium on Managing & Marketing Places.  

Dupain, C., & Novitskaya, O. A. (2015, May 18-19). Paris destination image from the point of view of Asian students [paper presentation]. Iscontour 2015 Tourism Research Perspectives: Proceedings of the International Student Conference in Tourism Research. 

Piekarz, M., Jenkins, I. S., & Mills, P. F. (2015). Risk and safety management in the leisure, sport and tourism industries. CABI * 

Robinson, S., Gardiner, S., Karyotis, C., Kuokkanen, H., Morgan, J., & Sun, W. (2015). Rebuilding ethical governance to tackle systemic governance failures in private and public sectors. Academic of Management: Proceedings, 2015(1). 

Kuokkanen, H., & Sun, W. (2015). Social desirability and cynicism: Can we separate consumer emotions from actions in CSR surveys? [paper presentation]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2015(1). DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2015.14097abstract 

Kuokkanen, H. (2015, October 15-17). From marketing to managing a destination: The potential of collaborative revenue management [paper presentation]. Experience EuroCHRIE 2015. 

de Leva, G., Zucco, C., & Lazarev Zivanovic, M. (2015, April 27-20)). Hospitality enterprises and destination tourism competitiveness: The case of Naples [paper presentation]. 2nd Corfu Symposium on Managing & Marketing Places.  

Novitskaya, O. A. (2015). The impact of host country effects on transferring HRM practices from Western headquarters to Ukrainian subsidiaries. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic and Management Engineering, 9(5), 1439-1447. 

Dupain, C., & Novitskaya, O. A. (2015, May 18-19). Paris destination image from the point of view of Asian students [paper presentation]. Iscontour 2015 Tourism Research Perspectives: Proceedings of the International Student Conference in Tourism Research. 

Russell, K., O’Connor, N., Dashper, K., & Fletcher, T. (2015). Sports mega-events and Islam. In K. Dashper, T. Fletcher, & N. McCullogh (Eds.). Sports events, society and culture (pp. 189-204). Routledge. 

de Leva, G., Zucco, C., & Lazarev Zivanovic, M. (2015, April 27-20)). Hospitality enterprises and destination tourism competitiveness: The case of Naples [paper presentation]. 2nd Corfu Symposium on Managing & Marketing Places.  

Bedu, M., & Kuokkanen, H. (2014, October 6-9). Managing revenue during the Arab Spring: Experiences from the hotel industry [paper presentation]. EuroCHRIE Dubai 2014: hospitality and tourism futures.  

Gillier, C., & Lazarev Zivanovic, M. (2014, December 9-12). Short-term voluntourism: An expansion of ecotourism or a new form of neocolonialism? [paper presentation]. International Antalya Hospitality Tourism and Travel Research conference proceedings. * 

Granier, E., Rios-Morales, R., & Huh P. (2014). Wine investment: an evaluation of the perceptions and motives of individual and institutional investors. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 7(3), 229,244. 

Bedu, M., & Kuokkanen, H. (2014, October 6-9). Managing revenue during the Arab Spring: Experiences from the hotel industry [paper presentation]. EuroCHRIE Dubai 2014: hospitality and tourism futures.  

Gillier, C., & Lazarev Zivanovic, M. (2014, December 9-12). Short-term voluntourism: An expansion of ecotourism or a new form of neocolonialism? [paper presentation]. International Antalya Hospitality Tourism and Travel Research conference proceedings. * 

Marr, M., (June 6-8, 2014). Teaching in the online environment. CHRIE 2014 Bulle Mini-Conference. 

Horrigan, D. (2013). Sustaining sustainability. In I. Jenkins, & R. Schröder (Eds). Sustainability in tourism: A multidisciplinary approach (pp. 210-220). Springer Gabler. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-8349-7043-5_12 

Jenkins, I., & Rios-Morales, R. (2013). Market niches and the perceptual economic impacts on a remote alpine village : the BRITS week in Laax. Event Management, 17(3), 299-310. * 

Jenkins, I., & Schröder, R. (Eds.) (2013). Sustainability in tourism: A multidisciplinary approach. Springer Gabler. * 

Rios-Morales, R., Gamberger, D., & Jenkins, I. (2013). Modelling the interaction of tourism and international development. Journal of Global Business Advancement, 6(4), 283-298. * 

Jenkins, I., & Rios-Morales, R. (2013). Market niches and the perceptual economic impacts on a remote alpine village : the BRITS week in Laax. Event Management, 17(3), 299-310. * 

Jenkins, I. (2013). Sustainability and climate change. In I. Jenkins, & R. Schröder (Eds). Sustainability in tourism: A multidisciplinary approach (pp. 33-51). Springer Gabler. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-8349-7043-5_2 * 

Bristow, R., & Jenkins, I. (2013, April 7-9). Factors influencing a business preference for tourism sustainability: An international example [paper presentation]. The 25th Annual Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. * 

Jenkins, I. (2013). Education and Copernicus. In I. Jenkins, & R. Schröder (Eds). Sustainability in tourism: A multidisciplinary approach (pp. 192-209). Springer Gabler. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-8349-7043-5_11 * 

Kuokkanen, H., & Rios-Morales, R. (2013). Developing sustainable competitive advantage in the tourism industry: A financial conceptual model. In I. Jenkins, & R. Schröder (Eds.). Sustainability in tourism: A multidisciplinary approach (pp. 123-136). Springer Gabler. 

Kuokkanen, H. (2013). Improving profitability: A conceptual model of destination-centric revenue management. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 12(4), 313-319. 

Kuokkanen, H. (2013). Responsibility in festivals and events: A competitive advantage. In M. Kozak, L. Andreu, J. Gnoth, S. Sibila-Lebe, & A. Fyall (Eds.). Tourism marketing: On both sides of the counter (pp. 98-114). Cambridge Scholars Publ.  

O’Connor, N., & Kim, S. (2013). Media-related tourism phenomena: A review of the key issues. In J.-L. Lester, & C. Scarles (Eds.). Mediating the tourist experience: From brochure to virtual encounters (13-32). Routledge. 

Kuokkanen, H., & Rios-Morales, R. (2013). Developing sustainable competitive advantage in the tourism industry: A financial conceptual model. In I. Jenkins, & R. Schröder (Eds.). Sustainability in tourism: A multidisciplinary approach (pp. 123-136). Springer Gabler. * 

Rios-Morales, R., Gamberger, D., & Jenkins, I. (2013). Modelling the interaction of tourism and international development. Journal of Global Business Advancement, 6(4), 283-298. * 

Rios-Morales, R., Crotts, J. C., & Schweizer, M. (2013). Policy strategies for innovation in Switzerland. In D. Vrontis, & A. Thrassou (Eds.). Innovative business practices: prevailing a turbulent era (pp. 195-210). Cambridge Scholars Publ. * 

Rios-Morales, R., Gamberger, D., Schweizer, M., & Brennan, L. (2013). Institutional environment features and Swiss foreign direct investment. Global Business and Economics Review, 15(2/3), 196-209. * 

Jenkins, I., & Rios-Morales, R. (2013). Market niches and the perceptual economic impacts on a remote alpine village : the BRITS week in Laax. Event Management, 17(3), 299-310. * 

Mihai Yiannaki, S., & Rios-Morales, R. (2013). The fiscal cliff and the Robin Hood Eurozone crisis. Journal of Transnational Management, 18(44), 292-308. * 

Ventriglia, B., & Rios-Morales, R. (2013). The shift toward sustainability in the travel trade industry. In I. Jenkins, & R. Schröder (Eds). Sustainability in tourism: A multidisciplinary approach (pp. 103-122). Springer Gabler. DOI 10.1007/978-3-8349-7043-5_6, * 

Ebersole, J. (2012, May 23-27). Anabaptist tourism to Switzerland: Assessing the impact of the 2004 Swiss Reconciliation initiatives & 2007 Emmental Tourism “Täuderjahr” events [paper presentation]. International Conference on Tourism ICOT 2012. * 

Ebersole, J. (2012). A plastic index for the food services industry. Academica Turistica: Tourism and Innovation Journal, 5(2). 5-18. * 

Ebersole, J. (2012). Setting the agenda for special interest tourism. Research Bulletin, 008, 21-22. * 

Goedtkindt, P. (2012, October 4-5). Geo-temporal tracking (GTT) of tourist flows using mobile phone network data [paper presentation]. 5th Annual EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academic of Business. * 

Rios-Morales, R., & Jenkins, I. (2012). Introduction: Special issue on hospitality. Higher Learning Research Communication, 2(4). * 

Jenkins, I. (2012, October 25-27). From cradle-to-cradle: Food sourcing and attitudes of restaurants to sustainable developments. The cases of the Caribeean, USA, Switzerland and Wales. Hospitality for a better world – EuroCHRIE 2012 Conference. * 

Kuokkanen, H., & Macdonald, M. (2012, October 25-27). CSR: Are visitors willing to pay for responsibility? Hospitality for a better world – EuroCHRIE 2012 Conference. 

Kuokkanen, H., & Macdonald, M. (2012). Corporate social responsibility: the visitors’ view. In: 5th annual EuroMed conference of the EuroMed Academic of Business: Conference readings book proceedings (pp. 884-896). EuroMed Press. 

Kuokkanen, H., & Macdonald, M. (2012, October 25-27). CSR: Are visitors willing to pay for responsibility? Hospitality for a better world – EuroCHRIE 2012 Conference. 

Kuokkanen, H., & Macdonald, M. (2012). Corporate social responsibility: the visitors’ view. In: 5th annual EuroMed conference of the EuroMed Academic of Business: Conference readings book proceedings (pp. 884-896). EuroMed Press. 

Rios-Morales, R., & Zanni, L. (2012). Editorial: Special issue on wine business and globalisation. International journal of Business and Globalisation, 8(1), 1-6. * 

Rios-Morales, R., & Jenkins, I. (2012). Introduction: Special issue on hospitality. Higher Learning Research Communication, 2(4). * 

Rios-Morales, R., Ramady, M. A., & Brennan, L. (2012). GCC sovereign wealth funds: Challenges, opportunities, and issues arising from their growing presence on the global landscape. In M. A. Ramady (Ed.). The GCC economies: Stepping up to future challenges (pp. 235-250). Springer. * 

Rios-Morales, R., & Crotts, J. C. (2012). Sales force technology for the hospitality industry. In P. Ordóñez de Pablos, R. D. Tennyson, & J. Zhao (Eds.). Global hospitality and tourism management technologies (pp. 136-150). IG Global. * 

Rios-Morales, R., Aiello, L., & Cacia, C. (2012, June 27-28). Enhancing quality brand of tourism products using new IT application tools [paper presentation]. Cambridge Business & Economics Conference. * 

John, C., Jenkins, I., & Delbreil, E. (2011, December 7). Adoption of web 2.0 and mobility technology in a multicultural population of hospitality and leisure students search for empirical evidence for a blended learning framework [paper presentation]. ASCILITE Conference 

John, C., Jenkins, I., & Delbreil, E. (2011, December). Adoption of web and mobility technologies in a multicultural population of hospitality and leisure students: search for empirical evidence for a blended learning framework [paper presentation]. ASCILITE. * 

Leon, C., & Eeckels, B. (2011). A dynamic correlation approach of the Swiss tourism income. In A. Matias, P. Nijkamp, M. Sarmento (Eds.), Advances in tourism economics: New developments. Springer. * 

Horrigan, D., & Murphy, J. (2011, July 19-23). Segmenting pleasure-seeking tourists: A research agenda [paper presentation]. 2011 World Marketing Congress 

Horrigan, D. (2011, November 14-16). Blended learning: Time for a new definition? [paper presentation]. 3rd International Conference on Teaching and Learning 

Rios-Morales, R., Gamberger, D., & Jenkins, I. (2011, June 22-24). Building an effective international architecture for climate finance: The role of the tourism industry [paper presentation]. UNCTAD Public Symposium * 

John, C., & Jenkins, I. (2011, December 4-7). Adoption of web and mobility technologies in a multicultural population of hospitality and leisure students: search for empirical evidence [paper presentation]. Ascilite 2011: changing demands, changing directions. 

John, C., Jenkins, I., & Delbreil, E. (2011, December 7). Adoption of web 2.0 and mobility technology in a multicultural population of hospitality and leisure students search for empirical evidence for a blended learning framework [paper presentation]. ASCILITE Conference 

Jenkins, I, Rios-Morales, R., & Cervera, R. (2011, October). Sustainable festivals, their image and delivery: A case study of Swiss music festivals [paper presentation]. Euromed Conferene Crete. * 

John, C., Jenkins, I., & Delbreil, E. (2011, December). Adoption of web and mobility technologies in a multicultural population of hospitality and leisure students: search for empirical evidence for a blended learning framework [paper presentation]. ASCILITE. * 

Rios-Morales, R., Gamberger, D., Jenkins, I., & Smuc, T. (2011). Modelling investment in the tourism industry by the World Bank’s good governance indicators. Journal of Modelling in Management, 6(3), 279-296. * 

John, C., & Jenkins, I. (2011, December 4-7). Adoption of web and mobility technologies in a multicultural population of hospitality and leisure students: search for empirical evidence [paper presentation]. Ascilite 2011: changing demands, changing directions. 

John, C., Jenkins, I., & Delbreil, E. (2011, December 7). Adoption of web 2.0 and mobility technology in a multicultural population of hospitality and leisure students search for empirical evidence for a blended learning framework [paper presentation]. ASCILITE Conference 

John, C., Jenkins, I., & Delbreil, E. (2011, December). Adoption of web and mobility technologies in a multicultural population of hospitality and leisure students: search for empirical evidence for a blended learning framework [paper presentation]. ASCILITE. * 

Kuokkanen, H. (2011, September 6-8). Responsibility in Finnish festivals: A competitive advantage? [paper presentation]. 4th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference (ATMC) 

Kuokkanen, H. (2011). [Review of the book Revenue management in service organizations: A practical book on revenue management as part of business strategy for financial and other business managers, by P. Rouse, W. Maguire, & J. Harrison]. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 10, 1-2. 

Lewis, R. A. (2011). Social sustainability and the quality of life: The case of employee work-life balance in a Swiss hotel. The International Journal of Environment, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 7(1), 144-149. * 

Lewis, R. A. (2011). Social sustainability and the quality of life: The case of employee work-life balance in a Swiss hotel. The International Journal of Environment, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 7(1), 144-149. * 

Lewis, R. A. (2011). Social sustainability and the quality of life: The case of employee work-life balance in a Swiss hotel. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability: Annual Review 7(1), 143-150. doi:10.18848/1832-2077/CGP/v07i01/54879. * 

Lewis, R. (2011, July). Perceptions of work-life balance in Monaco: The perspective of hoteliers.  * 

Lewis, R. (2011, February). Rapport sur l’expérimentation du télétravail au Conseil Général du Finistère: Une comparaison des expériences des télétravailleurs, leur collègues et leurs encadrants. Le Conseil Général du Finistère. * 

Lewis, R. (2011). Social sustainability and the quality of life: The case of employee work/life balance in a Swiss hotel. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 7(1), 143-150. * 

Rios-Morales, R., Ramady, M., & Brennan, L. (2011). SWFs and the global economy: The impact of the Gulf oil producers. EuroMed Journal of Business, 6(2), 206-226. DOI 10.1108/14502191111151278 * 

Ventriglia, B., & Rios-Morales, R. (2011, June 27-30). Assessing sustainability in the travel trade industry [paper presentation]. Cambridge Business & Economics Conference * 

Rios-Morales, R., Gamberger, D., & Jenkins, I. (2011, June 22-24). Building an effective international architecture for climate finance: The role of the tourism industry [paper presentation]. UNCTAD Public Symposium * 

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Horrigan, D., Buchanan, K., & Senior, M. (2011, October 18-22). Hospitality and tourism distance learning strategies: Reaching beyond traditional markets [paper presentation]. EuroCHRIE Annual Conference 

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Rios-Morales, R., Gamberger, D., Jenkins, I., & Smuc, R. (2010, May 10-11). New approaches to investment strategies: Using sustainable methods [paper presentation]. UNCTAD Public Symposium * 

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Rios-Morales, R., Gamberger, D., Jenkins, I., & Smuc, T. (2010). New approaches to investment strategies: Using sustainable methods. United Nations Conference for Trade and Development Contributions. * 

Rios-Morales, R., Gamberger, D., & Jenkins, I. (2010). A critical evaluation of the interaction of tourism and international development. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality: Planning and Development. ISSN: 1479-053X. * 

Rios-Morales, R., Gamberger, D., Jenkins, I., & Smuc, T. (2010). Modelling investment in the tourism industry by the World Bank’s good governance indicators. Journal of Modelling in Management. ISSN: 1746-566 * 

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Murphy, J., Doane, R., Tuzovic, S., Horrigan, D., & Rios-Morales, R. (2009, April 25). Keyword advertising as a teaching, learning and research tool [paper presentation]. Marketing Educators’ Association Conference. * 

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Wetsch, L., Jacobs, D., Horrigan, D., Rios-Morales, R., & Murphy, J. (2009, April 25). Marketing education research using datasets from the Google online marketing challenge. [Marketing Educators’ Association Conference]. * 

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Horrigan, D., & Jenkins, I. (2009, October 22-24). A collaborative model for experience branding: Emotive and cognitive factors [paper presentation]. EuroCHRIE Annual Conference. * 

Jenkins, I., Rios-Morales, R., & Horrigan, D. (2009, October 26-28). The economic effects of a single nationality on a niche tourism destination: The Brits week in Laax [paper presentation]. EuroMed Annual Conference. * 

Jenkins, I. (2009). Climate change: Risk management issues and challenges. In T. Travers (Ed.), Disappearing destinations, CABI Tourism Texts. * 

Kuokkanen, H., & Rios-Morales, R. (2009, October 26-28). Conceptual design of a financial approach to developing competitive advantage through responsible tourism [paper presentation]. EuroMed Annual Conference. * 

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Rieber, Anna Katharina – Cultural impacts on Chinese and German consumers’ green purchasing behaviour and satisfaction

Siegel, Leonie – Transformational leadership in the German Hotel Industry

Rieber, A. K. (2021). Cultural impacts on Chinese and German consumers’ green purchasing behaviour and satisfaction [Unpublished Bachelor’s thesis]].

Siegel, L. (2021). Transformational leadership in the German hotel industry  [Unpublished Bachelor’s thesis].


Cattaneo, E., Sun, Y., & Wang, R. (2022, July 5-7). Can luxury grow on plants?: Leather alternative and intention towards luxury products among gen Z [paper presentation]. UK Academy of Marketing 2022 Annual Conference and Doctoral Colloquium: Marketing: The Fabric of Life.