Become a partner
From sponsoring a classroom to recruiting our talented graduates; we have many opportunities for companies across a broad spectrum of industries to work with us and our students.
You will find information on some of these opportunities below, and if you have a specific proposal or requirement please contact us at

Recruit our students
We ensure you receive the right candidate for your business, whether it be for an internship, entry-level or managerial position, with experience in all the relevant fields (from hotels to luxury brands).
Our partners appreciate our students’ and graduates’ professionalism, hands-on experience and soft skills. Internship and employment vacancies are shared via our internal Career & Internship portal. Additional opportunities are available to our students via our valued partnership with Hosco.
Register now as an employer on our Recruitment Portal to connect with our talent, or contact if you would like to join our Recruitment Day.
Work with our talent
The Applied Business Project (ABP) is a capstone project for graduating Glion students, during which they work on real-world challenges with industry clients.
Students work in groups, with continuous guidance from faculty members, to provide solutions to a business problem faced by their client.
Our specific areas of expertise are luxury, hospitality, branding and marketing, finance, asset management, and event management.
Contact us to discuss your research and business needs
Contribute to our academic life
Whether you would like to join one of our courses as a guest speaker, propose a visit to your company within our specialized field trips, or keep us informed about the industry trends and ensure our academic curriculum is fully up to date, there are a lot of ways for your company to support the academic development of the future industry leaders.
Contact us to discuss educational opportunities