Time for a fishy favorite from the recipe collection of chef Stéphane Décotterd, patron of the Michelin-starred Maison Décotterd on Glion campus…

The char is a member of the salmon and trout family, which can be found in cold water lakes in several European countries. It is also farmed sustainably in Chamby, close to Montreux, where the fish are nourished in pure spring water to produce high quality fillets with a rich color and taste.
This tasty fish is the star of our latest cook-at-home recipe from Michelin star master chef Stéphane Décotterd. Char is becoming easier to find at the fishmonger, but its closer characteristics to trout make that a worthy alternative should you not be able to lay your hands on some char fillets.
Good luck, and don’t forget to share your culinary creations on social media including the hashtags #Glion and #MaisonDecotterd
Char preparation:
– Char fillets
– Salt
– Sugar
– 15g of white soybeans
– 120g lemon juice
– 15g maple syrup
– 10g grated fresh horseradish
Season the char fillets with salt and sugar. Let them marinate for 10 minutes, then rinse and dry. Add the remaining ingredients and put the fish fillets in the mixture. Let the fish marinate for 5 hours. Drain and dry. Just before serving, sear with a blowtorch and glaze with the marinade.
Tarragon and horseradish sauce:
– 2 mollet eggs
– 50g cooked tarragon leaves
– 50g cooked parsley
– 20g grated horseradish
– 40g extra virgin rapeseed oil
– Salt, lemon juice
Finely mix the eggs and the cooked herbs, then whisk with olive oil.
Puff pastry tartlet:
– Filo tartlet shell
– Broad bean purée
– Red radish brunoise
– Broad bean brunoise
– Finely diced arctic char gravlax
– Red radish shavings
– Broad beans
– Grated horseradish
– Char roe
– Herbs
Spread the bean purée on the tartlet shell. Add the vegetable brunoises and the diced char gravlax. Garnish with radish shavings, broad beans, fish roe and herbs.
- To discover more about Maison Décotterd, and to book a table, visit the website
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Find out more about our Bachelor’s in International Hospitality Business, including the Practical Arts semester that offers a chance to work with Stéphane Décotterd.